Wake me up when it’s all over

Bilde_BeachBum9_med Avicii_tekst


      1. poetryfromtheinkwell

        He was and yes, but, unfortunately, he did not want to help himself. That’s where it really starts!


      2. MyStoriesWithMusic

        I think they pushed him a little bit too far, the industry around him. There is this documentary about him on Netflix, and sadly it seems like some of the people around him might have cared more about the money he could make than how he really was. A sad thing…

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      3. poetryfromtheinkwell

        It’s usually the case. Kurt Cobain wanted more freedom and less worry about the money and he ended up in the same place. It’s truly depressing that we’ve lost sight of things that matter most in life.

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  1. lostperci

    People need to be allowed to be themselves and choose what they love most. Not everyone desires wealth. Shame that the people in control do! I’m definitely older but I don’t fell any wiser, other than knowing the trees in blossom outside are more important than the cost of my TV!

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