When the snow fell

 Could it really be snow?
Falling from the sky
Just like that
In the sun
But it was summer
She knew
They all knew
A hot summer day
And now the snow
 She would stick her tongue out 
Taste it
Almost scared
That it would be something else
But it wasn’t
It was snow
Chilling to the bone
Tasted just like it should
At first
 She didn’t remember 
She would say that later
But she lay down
In the park that day
The snow covered her
Just like it covered
Everything else
Made everything into this strange shimmering white
For a few moments
Or hours
Or days
No one could really tell
 She felt different
When she woke up
When the snow
Finally melted
She stood up
And she knew
This time
Spring had truly arrived

If you like the images that have been used to illustrate this poem, they are from morguefile.com. All the photos have been edited, but the first photo is by ertru, second photo is by blackbird, the third photo is by nescio, the fourth photo is by Pellinni, and the fifth photo is by ManageTeamz.

© Hilde Therese Juvodden, MyStoriesWithMusic, 2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Hilde T. Juvodden and MyStoriesWithMusic with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. – Simply don’t steal my stuff 😊

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